Asta di articoli militari della II Guerra Mondiale (medaglie, riconoscimenti, documenti)

Alexander Fedotov
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Cross of an officer of the Legion of honour luxury model with branches in relief
In case of the Aucoc House Altro
Miniature chain with 4 badges from WW I and II
In very well-preserved condition Altro
Collection of Eight British Campaign Medals
WW1, WW2 and Post-War Altro
Ufficiale dell’ordine di Nichan Iftikar con il suo diploma
In ottime condizioni. Altro
Switzerland – Swiss artillery day Biel – 1894
Cast, very good condition Altro
WWII. Japanese medal in box. Order of the rising sun Silver 8th class. Very good condition!!
100% original Silver Medal with accompanying presentation box.Altro
Superb medal War ministry – Free treatment given to the Police in silver.
In very good condition Altro
The metal cross 1830-1831 Dutch award MMW 31
Beautiful bronze cross for conscripts, the so called Hasselt crossAltro
Collection of 3 German orders: Fire brigade, Association of the German fire brigade, for achievements in fire protection & letter opener as a Samurai sword
Well preserved – see photos Altro
Third Reich German Red Cross
Civilian awards of the NSDAP and their associations Altro
1933-1945 del distintivo del 3 ° Reich partito NSDAP, distintivo Aquila e Golden gioventù del Hitler distintivo medaglia
Ben conservato, indossato Altro
Tank assault badge in bronze with manufacturer’s mark
Campaign Badge Wehrmacht Altro
3 rare pins of the NSB given at party meetings, 2 variants.
NSB meeting pins made of paper, rare Altro
Non-commissioned officer peaked cap Wehrmacht
Aluminium version with manufacturer’s mark Altro
1933-1945 3rd Reich mother cross in bronze and war merit cross 1939 2nd Class without swords
Well preserved, worn Altro
Badge 1 October 1938 in the original box
Good condition Altro
Wounded badge for the army 1939 in silver (2nd form)
Wounded badge, manufacturer: Klein and Quenzer Altro
1933-1945 3rd Reich, Wounded Badge 1939 made of black non-ferrous metal
Well preserved, worn Altro
Commemorative Ring Navy WW2 made of 800 silver
Commemorative ring made of 800 silver, WW 2, with manufacturer’s stamp Altro
Armata d’Italia di BONAPARTE – riforma militare lasciare dato al soldato Jean Follet
firmato dalla divisione generale Muller il 15 maggio 1801 (floréal 25 anno IX) con un sigillo rosso della 30 mezza brigata di linea fanteria. Altro
WW II 1 Nazi party field clasp, with 4 awards
In very good condition Altro
4 Original photos – Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring und Generalfeldmarschall Werner von Blomberg
Größe 6x9cm Altro
Prova di ascendenza e partito distintivo del partito nazista (NSDAP)
Condizioni molto buone Altro
257 foto / 7 foto “Reichsparteitag 1933” / 50 immagini di “Adolf Hitler” + 200 foto: “Gestalten der Weltgeschichte” – Cigaretten Bilderdienst – 1934
Immagini di propaganda nazista dal 1930 – un totale di 57 immagini + 200 foto: “Gestalten der Weltgeschichte” – 1933/1934Altro
Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen 1800-1945 (OEK) 20a edizione + Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen 1800-1945. Catalogo Germania 2005/2006 + valutazione Catalogo Germania 1871-1945 Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen (ordini e decorazioni) – Detlev Niemann paperba
Buone condizioni Altro
German Reich WW II 1 Nazi Party (NSDAP) badge and 25 years of faithful service
In good condition Altro
La classe 2 ° 1939 Croce di ferro con servizio militare passare 1938
Note di passaggio di servizio militare Altro
Germany, Baden-Württemberg, 13 original election documents 1924-1936 by Archivist K.Steck
good condition, strong paper, hand-drawn and with watercolours coloured by hand by K.Steck, city archivist Altro
Iron Cross 2nd Class with ribbon maker Karl Hensler 1939
Iron Cross 2 1939 WW2 original! Altro
Germany – Reich – Lot with various Wehrmacht Uniform & Blut und Boden Abzeichen – period 1933/’ 40
Very good condition Altro
Picture of soldier Africa corps, died 1943 by Tunis with two certificates: WW2
Good Altro
Hoffmann map with original signature by Herbert Gille
original signature Altro
War Merit Cross 2nd class with swords and East Medal 1941/42 on a ribbon and with award bags
Manufacturer: Franz Lipp, Pforzheim and Richard Simm, Jablonec nad Nisou Altro
Album di foto da collezione “ADOLF HITLER” 1936
In condizioni pulite, usato. Altro
Croce al merito di guerra con spade 2 ° classe 1939 e militare servizio pass
Buone condizioni Altro
Air protection medal – Mother cross in gold in a case and photos
Used condition Altro
Iron Cross 2nd Class with award certificate and award bag and ribbon, manufacturer Karl Hensler, Iron Cross 1939
Iron Cross 2 1939 WW2 original! Altro
croce madri tedesche 1° classe(oro) Altro
Metal picture with a portrait of Hermann Göring
In good condition with age-related signs of wear and tear Altro
Original documents from the German Reich from 1920 to 1950
The documents are in used condition. All of them are original documents Altro
Original very rare German WW2 abzeichen: Gautag 1938 Süd-Hannover Braunschweig.
Intact abzeichen from Hannover Branschweig. Altro
Nazi Party Badge (NSDAP), manufacturer RZM M1/120
Documents of the Nazi party Gau leadership Altro
SA Bronze Sport Badge – property of the S.A. sports badge headquarters in Lüdenscheid
Manufacturer: Berg & Nolte A.G. Altro
Order clip mounted medal group iron cross 1914; Prussia general decoration; Hindenburg cross maker mark Paul Schulze & co. Lübeck military merit cross 1st Class 15 years
WW I World War I – Good condition Altro
Rare Hohner harmonica: THE good COMRADE, from the period of the world wars, as well as a song book from World War I
Neat, used condition, playable harmonica Altro
Soviet Red Army USSR 100 Medal Military Badge.
bronze Altro
Faithful service 2nd class for 25 years in the original box, case.
Very good condition Altro
Faithful Service Honour Badge 1st Level for 40 Years 1938 with award certificate
Impeccable condition Altro
270 collectible pictures of the “German Wehrmacht” 1936
In good to very good condition Altro
France – Vichy Regime, WW2 – Rare lot of 2 badges of the French League of Veterans (LFC)
Rare manufacturer: Decat Vichy Altro
Very nice and hard to find original US Medal: purple heart of the end period of the IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN war, 20th century.
In very good condition, has not been part of any collection so far.Altro
WW II: Iron Cross 1939 2a classe con certificato di conferimento
Buone condizioni Altro
Wehrpas from 1940 + hundemarke
Wehrpas from 1940 + hundemarke Altro
Infantry assault badge Wehrmacht Third Reich
Infantry assault badge in silver Wilhelm Deumer Altro
Marksman’s cord for Panzer 1st and 3rd degree – III Reich
2 Marksman’s cords in excellent condition Altro
Third Reich Police service award for 18 years
Police Service Award 18 years with award box Altro
Unique Streifendienst (RAD) light metal (tin) breastplate (neck shape) – Gorget, with chain (1933-1944)
Authentic condition Altro
An Italian Order of the Crown; Commander’s Cross in Gold
used condition see pictures / description Altro
Navy War Badge 1941
Very good condition – non-ferrous metal Altro
Order of master the Avis – Silver , Portugal early 19th century
Good condition – 21gr , 7cm Altro
Marksman’s cord from the 5th-6th-7th degree – (Lanyard) Second Model – III Reich
3 Marksman’s Cords – Second Period – Excellent condition Altro
Interesting military estate WW I
Verdun cross, Argonne cross, champagne cross, Iron cross 2nd class 1914, field clasp Altro
Marksman’s cord from the 9th-10th-12th degree – (Lanyard) Second Model – III Reich
3 Marksman’s Cords – Second Period – Excellent condition Altro
Bandiera di guerra marino terzo Reich su incrociatori e cacciatorpediniere
Bandiera di guerra gigante / bandiera di guerra del Reich marine in questa dimensione su incrociatori e cacciatorpediniere Altro
Croce tedesca in oro in Bi-metallo, Mark 20 del produttore (Zimmermann da Pforzheim)
Buone condizioni Altro